Clarissa S

Clarissa had been struggling for almost seven years with her body - the weight, hormones, and how she was feeling. She had no energy and felt sluggish more often than not. She had a migraine almost every day and was not sleeping through the night. 

She felt like she was at a breaking point, as she had tried various diets, workout plans, and more. Nothing seemed to stick. She would be successful in the short term but then regain the weight and return to her old habits. 

She had done a lot of internal work for herself, spiritually and emotionally, and knew her physical body was not reflecting that work. She was referred to me by a friend and was a little anxious about starting another program that might be a short-term fix rather than a lifelong habit change. 

She said, “I feel like it took me the first six weeks to figure out what I was doing and how to make it all work, but once I did, I almost found myself second-guessing how truly easy the program is.” 

Now 11 weeks into the VIP Weight Loss System, Clarissa has seen these results both scale and off the scale: 

- SLEEPING through the night 

- Migraines are GONE 


- Hormones have LEVELED out

- Wearing JEANS again 

- 17 POUNDS GONE and counting 

She better understood her food and said, “Having a program that allows you grace and freedom, if I wanted to make a decision that was just 10% better, that freedom made me want less of the other stuff. The restrictions I felt on other programs made me want more of the things I “couldn’t” have. The grace here allowed me to truly not crave the stuff that made me feel crummy or get migraines.” 

If you are a mama who is struggling with weight gain, migraines, low energy, and just not feeling like your best self, Clarissa said it best, “you are worthy and you can do it & make the time for yourself.” 

Jordan Trumm

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Rachel P


Alicia G