Kelli B


A completely different better path than dieting

Mindset shift

Energy to stay up but still waking up very refreshed


Here is what one of my clients, Kelli, had to say about working with me:

“I wanted to share some of the simple things that I've learned since working with a holistic dietitian.

1. Water with lemon in it as soon as you wake up. Even before coffee. I have so much less inflammation since I started doing this.

2. Don't buy into diet culture. It was created to make companies money. If you're setting diet specific resolutions, then diet culture probably hasn't served you well in the past!

3. Don't limit yourself to the point that one small piece of chocolate will ruin your day or make you fall of the proverbial wagon. Eat the Hershey Kiss, enjoy it, take note of why you chose that, how it made you feel, and move forward with your day.

4. You don't need to eat meat with every meal!

5. Listen to your body.

6. Caffeine does NOT equal energy! I've been a coffee and Diet Coke -a-holic for years!

7. Set one or two achievable goals for the week. Many times mine is movement and mindset. I’m almost 44 & I'm finally feeling at peace with myself.

My body is finally healing because I'm feeding it what it needs and not what society and corporations say it should. My mindset is so much better. My body's inflammation is much less. My bloodwork is better. I am sleeping through the night and waking up rested for the first time in decades.

I am sharing this because the diet culture didn't serve me. In fact, it was damaging. I found an amazing holistic dietician: she's never made me feel bad if I made a wrong choice. Never chastised me. Rather she always educated, supported, and has been one of my biggest cheerleaders. Everyone needs a Kimberly Nanninga
in their life.“

Kelli recently completed my 12 week program and has moved to my next program to keep the journey to healing her body going!

Help show Kelli some love! 🤍


Kari B


Bridget L