Margaret W

Margaret came to me because she was tired of always putting her health on hold!

She said, “I felt like I was just getting through life & I wasn’t in control of my health.”

As a busy mom with a full-time job that includes lots of business travel, she felt she was always moving “get my health back” to the next week or the next month or after the holidays, or after the trip. She finally decided to say YES to herself and get her health back!

During the program, she took several business trips and even spent 9 days away from home on a trip to Italy with her husband.

& she still:

  • Lost 20lbs in just 10 weeks!

  • Down TWO pant sizes!

  • Is sleeping amazing!

  • Has made this program a lifestyle & will continue to follow after completing her 12 weeks!

  • Traveled several times and enjoyed each trip while maintaining the program’s plan!

In the past, she tried crash diets or fad diets and found herself so confused about what was actually working. During these diets, she felt she was making justifications for falling off the diet or plan - making excuses and feeling guilty.

Now she says, “I love the boring.” “I love how easy and simple this plan is. Once you read the materials and do the coaching, it really is so straightforward.”

If you are someone who is always waiting for Monday or after the holidays, this video is for you! Now is the time to invest in you!

& if you are someone who travels often — this is for you!

Jordan Trumm

Socially Jordan Media can assist you through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, and more to grow your business, reach your ideal clients, and attend those big goals!

Erin O.


Nicole R.