Erin O.

Erin came to just days before her 43rd birthday and felt exhausted. 

She had gained weight, wasn’t sleeping well at night, and, most importantly, she was physically and mentally exhausted. She was looking for options to help with these things.

Within a couple of weeks of putting her plan in place, she drank her lemon water every morning and started feeling better! She quickly realized how easy the plan was to implement and make habits! 

Erin started my Health & Healing program to help with her sleep, energy, and feeling better. She then moved into the VIP Weight Loss System. 

She was ready to lose weight. As an emotional or bored eater, she found herself in the yo-yo habit — eating all the time and then not eating enough.

Erin pushed past the hard things; she is now down 30lbs, sleeping through the night, not craving sugar, and feeling incredible! She is now equipped with the tools she needs to know how to eat to nourish her body and feel full rather than just putting food into her body. 

“I don’t look at food as comfort; I now look at it as being nicer to yourself; you need to eat food that is good for you so you feel good.” 

If you are going through similar things as Erin, she wants you to know it’s time to put yourself first. As a full-time working mom, she put herself last & finally decided to choose her hard and do the work to lose weight and feel better! 

Jordan Trumm

Socially Jordan Media can assist you through the use of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, and more to grow your business, reach your ideal clients, and attend those big goals!

Michael D


Margaret W