Michael D

Michael is a father of 3, working full time for the Army National Guard, and had tried several other weight loss options like Keto, counting calories, etc., and was not succeeding. 

That is when he discovered the VIP Weight Loss System and decided to try it. Quickly, he realized how much it was working, and after only 3 months, he had lost over 45lbs. 

He came to this program looking to lose weight, set a good example for his kids, be more confident at his work, and avoid other health complications. 

He is now down over 59 lbs and still losing! After losing all this weight, he is less anxious, feels happier, has more energy for his kids, and is more confident in himself. 

He has shown up in this VIP Weight Loss System. He attends our weekly accountability calls, logs his foods, drinks half his weight in water, and eats foods he enjoys! 

His advice to you if you are a busy working man or woman looking to lose weight, struggling with anxiety, or lacking energy — “Get the support from your loved ones, commit to the process, be honest with the process, and do it! It works!” 

He is an example of how incredible this program is and, in fact, uses the success as an example of overcoming and doing the hard things with his soldiers. 

Jordan Trumm

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Adriana R


Erin O.