Paige D


Finally something that worked as doctors weren’t

Lost 30 lbs

My mind is clear!


“What else do I have to loose, the doctors are not helping me.”

I felt helpless, and crazy at one point. I knew there was something wrong with me, but what was it

It is nothing that a pill can fix and now I can see that, and it is awesome”

After a sinus surgery and 4 traumatic events Paige’s body started to change in a big way. (see Paige's full video interview below)

Paige knew something was wrong.

“You name the symptoms, I had it!”

She went to 14 different doctors.

Then she went to Mayo where she saw several Doctors. The nutritionist at Mayo told her to calories count!

Here is where she got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

“I woke up everyday scared. I never knew what my body was going to feel like or look like.”

Before I started the Woman’s Health and healing program 3 months ago:

I couldn’t sit comfortably.

I could not carry a lot of laundry up the steps.

I felt like my knees and ankles were going to give out.

I had pain and extreme swelling.

My highest weight was 204 and I had never weighed more than 145 pounds before all of this happened.

I was gaining 20 pounds every seven weeks.

Finally the day came that I was so defeated and I couldn’t do it anymore.

I didn’t feel like myself anymore.

I couldn’t be a good mom, I couldn’t be a good wife. My husband had to take care of me.

I did all the different types of food sensitivity testing they all came back normal.

I was completely defeated.”


Now fast forward 12 weeks ( such a short amount of time)….


“ I was severely suffering with my sleep. I am happy to share that I have not taken a sleeping pill since 2 weeks on the program. For the last three years I was waking up on the dot at 3 o’clock, I am no longer doing that.

"It was so important to me to go to bed feeling good and wake up feeling good. Now I do! “

“I have lost over 30 pounds!”

“ My mind is clear!”

” I am now seeing that I can have a good relationship with food!”

“ I’ve learned so much about food, and I love sharing that with other people.”

“I feel like I’m getting my life back every day”

“My pain is 90% gone!”

This program has taught me to know what my triggers are.

I now I know what causes my inflammation and what to do to change it.

No more bloating

Regular digestion

Swelling is controlled

”This process is not always pretty! We are peeling back the layers. This takes time and it takes commitment. It is not about losing weight. It is about creating a health lifestyle. Weight loss is a side effect.”

I took this program as an investment in my future.

Paige’s advice:

Take the leap of faith with this

12-week Women’s Health and Healing Program because it is LIFE CHANGING. "This program has saved my life."

If you feel like you have lost who you are, you will get it back through this program!

Wow! I am beyond blessed and humbled to be Paige’s guide back to health!

Your journey is just beginning Paige!

I am so proud of you!

Keep shining your light and speaking your truth!


Marcy W


Jennifer H