Jennifer H


Established routines

No more migraines

Regular bowel movements


“ The biggest result has been having a bowel movement the first thing when I get out of bed EVERY MORNING. ”

Not to many people want to talk about their digestion.

Especially if they are chronically constipated.

Jennifer was that person. And today she is sharing her story to give hope to others that may also be dealing with these same struggles.

12 weeks ago Jennifer was dealing with these problems:

Chronic constipation- “ for as long as I can remember.”

Bloating- daily

Brain fog- daily

Low energy


Jennifer decided to join my Busy Woman's 12-week Health and Healing Accelerator Program

Within less then 2 weeks she noticed a huge difference

At the end of 12 weeks

“ The biggest result has been having a bowel movement the first thing when I get out of bed EVERY MORNING. That has NEVER been a thing for me, it has always been a struggle.” To literally step out of bed and go straight to the bathroom is amazing. “

Migraines- “I have not had one since I started the program.”

Bloating- “this is gone”

Energy- “ I have a great morning routine. Changes to my lunch habits have made a huge difference in how I feel in the afternoon.”

"This is now my lifestyle!

NOW, I am way more conscious about what I put in my body and how if affects me.

I now know what triggers these pains and I now know what to do about it. "

Jennifer's life is forever changed and I am SO grateful to be a part of her health journey.

A huge thank you to Jennifer for sharing her story and talking about the hard things.

This is a way to spread the word that there is a way!


Paige D


Jackie G